Monday, January 22, 2018

Prince Harry ! ! ROYALTY in Wales! 🤴

Hey mates

WALES IS SO WET. it has been raining non stop this week. I don’t ever do my hair anymore haha not worth it just gets destroyed once you walk out the door. 

Start w/ tuesdayyyyyyy 
In the morning we went to meet with a crazy lady in Cardiff. She didn’t show for an hour so we were like mate we have to go we have other places we need to me and she was like threatening us if we didn’t stay at the library and totally shouting at us over the phone it was quite horrifying so we ran away and hid ourselves in Nando’s and ate some good food lol. 

In the afternoon we watched the president Nelson broadcast! So lovely! Every time I hear the prophet testify of the saviour I feel the spirit. It is so powerful! 

Wednesday was madnessssssss. We started early, headed out to do some street contacting and  my companion totally collapsed. We brought her into a shop and she was pale. Everyone was getting her water and trying to help, she couldn’t even hold the cup we had to hold it for her. It was SO SCARY! we got a taxi and went back home and she spent the rest of the day in bed. 

Thursday we went to The rushworths to clean. Afterwards we got off the bus near Cardiff Castle and saw a crowd around. So we were like uhh what’s going on. We asked around and PRINCE HARRY AND MEGAN MARKLE were there!!!! I GOT TO SEE ROYALTY ON MY MISSION! It was soooo neat. I even got film footage of them hehe. We were just in the right place st the right time because they weren’t outside for long. Haha! Blessings from god! ;) After we made our way to thornhill to visit some members and had a lush roast dinner one of the best on the mish. 

Friday was Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil zone conference. My last zone conference on the mission.... so many mixed emotions. I went into it thinking.... I don’t have long left so nothing is really going to apply to me.. bad attitude Madeline! It was one of the best zone conferences on my mission and exactly what I needed to hear in preparation to go home. All about the Book of Mormon and the crucial part it plays in our happiness. I also gave my departing testimony... going home is starting to feel sooo real. 

In thinking about what I was going to say for my testimony I made a list of all the things I KNOW. I didn’t want to say anything that I didn’t. The first thing I wrote is that there is a god. Second, that he knows, hears, and loves me. And third that he is omnipotent. I have been reminded of his omnipotence every day on my mission. I think that the concept of God has always been quite easy for me. I have such a loving earthly father, and I think that’s why. :) 

Saturday we visited some part member families. I will miss that kind of work. 

Sunday was the best. We got a referral called Paul. He had met with missionaries in Scotland but then moved here and wanted to keep learning. :) we invited him to church and he came! Stayed for all 3 hours and already has made friends in the ward!! He is so normal as well haha hard to come by in this place and be interested in the gospel.... but literally when he walked into church everyone was staring at him hahaha it was funny. He was telling us how every member has has met has ‘a sparkle in their eye’ it is crazy how many times you hear r this when people talk about members of the church. I love it! I’m getting attached to the Cardiff ward. 3 transfers in one area is the best but also so hard to leave, it becomes a part of you!!

I love the United Kingdom. Leaving will be so bitter sweet. 

Here’s to a great month more!!!!!! 

Sister McEwan xxxxxx


1) waiting for prince harry 
2) video of them driving by, watch in slow mo :) 
3) bussing to conference 
4) Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil zones. 
5) district 
6) district 
7) elder pace bless him 

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