Monday, October 30, 2017

Cast About Your Eyes

Cardiff week 2!

Monday night we went to a lesson and we were 15 minutes late so they told us off made us feel really awkward but that’s life. So we went into city centre to do some finding and all these drunk guys kept coming up to us so we thought that was probs not the best idea. 

Tuesday morning we had a lesson with a 18 year old girl from Portugal. It was a good resto lesson she’s really sweet. Her friend in Portugal referred her to the missionaries so we will see how it goes. After we visited the most interesting less active woman. Bless her life. We taught a great lesson about the atonement and how it will always be available to her if she wants it. After the lesson we asked her what she was going to do the rest of the day and she said “hmm I’ll probably play x box and get high” we were like wow that obviously lesson went well

Then we went knocking for 3 hours. We had lunch really early around 11 and our dinner appointment wasn’t until 7 so I was STARVING. While we were walking to the specific area we wanted to tract I started praying that I would have the energy to keep going and not give up. Right after I finished my prayer we stopped a man walking past us. We introduced ourselves, he already knew who we were and was investigating the church last January! He was even already in our phone. His name was ‘baby’ haha no joke because he has 8 older sisters (ya max 3 isn’t that bad). But anyways he was like wow you guys are working so hard he reached into his pocket and gave me a banana hahahahahaha TENDER MERCIES prayers were answered Hahahaha too good it was the best normally wouldn’t take random fruit from random strangers but hey it came from god I know it ;) he was a really cool guy though we are meeting him this week. 

Walking around finding all day with sister Siri Ek is so funny she is hilarious. This week she told me her brothers name is ping pong BLESS HIM and her first name means flour. When she told me this I was like ‘wow so beautiful you are named after flower’ she was like ‘no, the stuff you cook with’ Hahahaha. Also so innocent whenever we get out of a lesson she will always ask me what certain words mean the investigator said which 9 times out of 10 are swear words. 

Had our DA and the family was shocked because we were 5 minutes early I guess the missionary rep in Cardiff is 30 minutes late. We didn’t tell them about our incident the night before Hahahaha but they were so happy and have already scheduled to feed us again next week because of it so hopefully we won’t be late or that will be awkward but I’ve gotten better at being on time to things on my mission hopefully that will last. Probs won’t tho ;) 

Well that was all on Tuesday and already too long!

Other random things we ate some nasty Chinese food with lamb in it that got us sick. We cleaned at least 3 houses haha. Next week we get to sell poppies! So excited. Round 2. There was a huge uni party on Wednesday outside our flat... so noisy!!! So many drunk people! I am so thankful for the standards we have haha. Ummmm... I don’t know what else. I just love it here really. 

One day this week I studied alma 33. I loved it!! It talks about the bible story of when all the people had to do was look at the serpent to be healed, but some didn’t because of their stubbornness. We might mock their hard heartedness or say ‘well that is so easy! Why didn’t they just look at it!!!’ When in reality, we are doing the same thing. ‘O my brethren if you could be healed by merely casting about your eyes that he might be healed would ye not behold quickly?’

Don’t we want to be healed? Don’t we want to be happy? “THEN CAST ABOUT YOUR EYES AND BELIEVE IN THE SON OF GOD” he is the ONLY way to be healed, so let us have the faith to just simply look to him. 

My promise of pursuing these things coincides with the final verse of this marvellous chapter. “And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his son.”

There is so much joy! Especially in his son. 

Happy Halloween!! I’ll eat all the good chocolate for you guys over here in Britain ;):)

Sister McEwan xx 


1) sister Siri says I have hair that looks like cotton candy 
2) Bridgend And Cardiff district photo 
3) Thai gangster pic 
4) trying to touch her tongue to her nose “it’s so close” she kept saying Hahahahahahahaha 
6) Merry go round in Cardiff :) 
7) big fluffy dog we found in Cardiff hehe 
8) cute returned missionary from Carlsbad @camri!!!!!

My life 24/7 :)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Baptism! Funeral! Cardiff!

Hi guys :):)

I’m in wales! The train ride was so beautiful. The first thing we saw entering wales was a huge castle haha I’ll send a picture. I am really happy here!!! Looove serving in the city. We live in the city centre of Cardiff it’s amazing!!! (Flat isn’t though........ we live in the middle of 3 pubs in uni housing and we are in an old elders flat which is absolutely disgusting) but that’s okay I still love it. :) I’m so tired by 10:30 all the people partying outside our window doesn’t bother me ha

But ya Cardiff City centre is unreal. So excited to be here! Although it hasn’t stopped raining. All they said about wales is true haha. I will not be using a blow dryer ever again it isn’t worth doing my hair SO WET. SO COLD. Already wearing my winter coat. 

Sister Siri-ek is sooooooo adorable! Hahaha seriously the sweetest and too funny! She makes me laugh so hard. Bless her English hahaha. This week our ‘words to work on’ were spaghetti and struggling. not quite perfected but we are getting there haha. We also both have realised we say ‘bless’ way too much. We literally bless everything haha we counted how many times we said it on the way to the chapel yesterday and it was over 20 in a 30 minute journey bless us ;)

Miracle on Wednesday we wanted to meet up with a girl getting baptised Saturday but she didn’t have time and neither did we. But god still provided a way!!! We were on the same bus as she was in the evening it was such a blessing so we still got to talk about the baptism! 

So at 10:00 Thursday night we got a call from our bishop saying ‘I heard you play the piano, could you play for a funeral tomorrow at 9 am?’ Haha. It was for a nonmember who wanted her funeral at our church. It was one of the strangest funerals I’ve been to but good memories. The members here are so happy I play the piano haha during every meeting on Sunday I was pulled out of my lesson to play haha so fun. I love playing the hymns in sacrament meeting haven’t done that since Cannock cause they’ve always had a pianist so I’m lovin it :) 

Saturday we had a baptism for Georgia! She was the zone leaders investigator but they passed her over to us because they moved to Caerphilly. It was definitely one of the best baptisms I’ve been to. She is 16 it was really special because all the youth bore their testimonies and then they asked me to do a musical item so i did come thou fount. All her family came to support her as well though they are not members it was such a good afternoon. 

First night in Cardiff we went out knocking and we knocked a street where I think every one of them were from the valley, could not understand A WORD they were saying wow the accent is impossible. And no I don’t have to learn welsh Hahahaha but all the street signs and store signs and busses are in Welsh and English. It’s cool I’ll send some pictures next week. 

I already know that this is the place I’m supposed to be!!! I already have such a great connection with the members and I’m just so happy I get to finish  in a place like this (fingers crossed they don’t move me again) missing Worcester though of course. 

We went to a youth fireside this week and someone said that we shouldn’t be ‘tape measure mormons’ we shouldn’t measure the straight and narrow path to see how far along the edges we can walk. We should always walk in the centre. :) I love this. 

Well there’s so much to say but I am bored of writing this haha love you guys and please pray for my cute little sister Amelia for her first week on the mission. ❤️

Sister McEwan x 


1) castle from the train (bad picture sorry) 
2) Cardiff 
3) welsh on the bus 
4) Pancakes 
5) Georgias baptism! 
6) saying goodbye to some favourite Worcester members :) 
7) Iesu Grist! How do you say this I have no idea. 
8) sister Siri-ek calls me Maybelline because it sounds like Madeline haha bless her. 
9) sweet Georgia and her family :) 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Bye England Helloooo WALES!

Helllloooo earthlings! (Ew)

Anyways I am moving! To a different country! :) Excited to see what’s in store for me in Cardiff, Wales!!!! It is the capital of wales and right on the coast so I’m really looking forward to no longer being landlocked ;);) it will be 
lovely! I am follow up training a girl named sister Siri-ek from Thailand!! Thailand, Albania, Ukraine, Armenia, Canada, Guyana, you can’t get much more foreign than sis McEwans comps! Shout out to de cap though you’re not that foreign. Ohanyan I love you so much. Sinumem kez shat gyankes.

OH MY GOODNESS DE CAP AND OHANYAN ARE COMPANIONS I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!!! NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY. wish we could be in a trio wouldn’t that be fun. My two besties in Peterborough. 


I’m sad to be leaving Worcester so soon. Last night was really hard saying goodbye to members and friends I have become so close to. One of the 90 year olds wanted to throw me a going away party tonight haha I love her bless her. A few are planning a kidnapping so I can stay in Worcester till the end ;) one old man said ‘oh it’s such a shame you are leaving, but do you think you could leave your eyelashes here?’ HAHAHAHA. hoping this’ll be my last area though done with these goodbyes!!

I want to send lots of love and kisses to my beautiful sister Amelia off to uruguay!!!! We will both be traveling to different countries on Tuesday if that makes you feel any better?:) knowing you’re in this with me makes it so much better. I know you’re so excited and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Wish I could have seen you speak yesterday. I love you Mia!!

Yesterday we had a European broadcast with elder Ballard which was UNREAL I wish everyone could have seen it (I think you can though on maybe? Totally worth a watch)

One bit I loved is he said that we must pray to be excited to be a member of the one and only true church. I love this. There are so many things in this gospel to be excited about. He told us not to be ashamed to be a member and to tell your friends!! He said ‘what will you say to them? I do not know’ (loved that) ‘but let the spirit work in you’ it is different for every person. There is no one way solution to bring people unto Christ. And I’m sure if anyone knows that it’s god himself ;) The important thing is to follow the spirit. Because he knows exactly how that person is going to recognise the truth in our precious message. 

Amelia. If there is any advice I could give you for your mission.... Grandma Butler sent a quote from Sister Larsen who spoke at your farewell. I couldn’t have said this any better. 

“When we do our duty, we do things well, When we do it with love, we do it beautifully.”

Do all things with love, and your mission will be nothing but a success. (Your mission in life, your mission in church, your mission in anything) I can promise you that. 

I love you all. 

Sister McEwan xxxx


1) leaves in Malvern 
2) yay! Autumn. 
3) church I liked in Malvern 
4) this dog ran into our house we captured it though and fed it bacon don’t worry 
5) great scripture in almaaaaaa
6) district meeting pictures! Opheikens going home ;(
7) welsh badge. How do you pronounce it? No clue. 

This is written about Madeline from a couple who has dearly loved and given great service to her in England. It was sent to my parents as they have developed a friendship both being Madeline's "grandparents."
As you probably know by now that Madeline will be moving to Cardiff on Tuesday. We have so much enjoyed her serving in Worcester and will miss her lovely spirit very much. We are so glad we had her over for dinner last Thursday (she thought that she may be leaving) so we just had to make sure we had her at our home just in case she was going to be transferred. 
Thank you for the three photos of her when she was a baby and little girl they did make us smile but in a nice way. She has given us a few more of when she was a little girl. She was a lovely little girl. 
We were looking forward so much to meeting her from the day you were at Gadfield Elm and told us she would be coming to the Birmingham England Mission, so when she finally came it was as if we knew her already and the past three months we have got to know her a lot more and grown to love her very much. She is a special missionary with a special spirit, that makes her stand out as a lovable person. We will keep in touch with her through emails and told her we can’t fix her bike or have her over for dinner anymore, but will encourage her and share our testimony and love for her through emails for the last four months of her mission.  
She told our Grand daughter Jessica at church yesterday that she was her sister as they have the same grand parents which made us very happy to be her English grand parents. 
We love this picture of her she gave us of her with her sisters 
We will keep In touch with you with any news we have and will see her again before she goes home as we have to give her something for you to bring home with her
Bernard & Val 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Rigby's Baptism and Back to KIDDIE


Good week in Worcester. Very tired but that’s okay. 

So no I’m not getting transferred back to kiddie but I GOT TO GO BACK THIS WEEK!!!! And it was the best day of my mission I think. 

So there is the sweetest family of 4 little kids that live in Kidderminster but they attend the Cannock ward with their dad (my first area) and I became so close with their sweet mom who is a less active member in kiddie. Anyways their little boy rigby was baptised!!! And they asked if I could come so I pleaded with my mission pres and he let me. :) words can’t explain my happiness as I walked off the train back to kiddie. WOW even just the smell of the chapel brought back so many memories haha I was in tears.  It it was so special because all my favourites from both my first 2 areas were there. Cant even tell you how good it was. Being surrounded by so many that I love. At so many times I kept thinking “wow this is what heaven will feel like”

My grandpa McEwan shared with my a scripture that so very fits how I feel about these people!!! “I love the scripture in Alma 27: 4 that expresses this congenial love and affection.  "Ammon and his brethren saw ...............those whom they so dearly beloved, and among those who had so dearly beloved them---for they were treated as though they were angels sent from God to save them from everlasting destruction." 

These people are my angels sent from god. 

They had me in the program as well they asked me to give a testimony just before he was confirmed which was really special. :) I just love that family with my whole heart. 

Driving home was random. We were going to take the train but this random family from Weymouth insisted on driving us back to Worcester cos they were going down south. Haha missions are weird you just get in the car with strangers all the time (members don’t worry)

Well other than that haha I don’t really have anything that tops that. 

FACEBOOK has come to the England Birmingham mission. Ha. The last mission in the British isles to get it. So if you see me on Facebook don’t stress lol. Cracking down on loads of rules as well we will be trained on how to use it for proselyting this week.... 

Our investigators are the same. Still coming out to church but have their own road blocks which is frustrating. Regina is doing so well and she will be baptised it just won’t be right now. But she is totally taking control of the lessons and on top of coming out to church as well. One of our investigators who struggles with the plan of happiness was just told she has cancer which was really hard for her. Her brother is in the ward and he wasn’t there today but she still came (progress) I think she wants comfort and knows where to find it she just can’t admit that. ;) but she asked for a priesthood blessing which was cool 😎 it was great because all the testimony’s today were about the priesthood and “having the faith to not receive the miracle” I think it was good for her. 

We’ve made playing the piano at the cathedral a weekly ritual. :) it is always a great experience playing the hymns there and the workers are always really happy when I come to play a little :)

We met some great people this week and got let in while knocking doors on Wednesday. We got to teach about the Book of Mormon to 2 girls they were really sweet and asking lots of questions it was cool gonna go back Tuesday :)

We did service for this old woman and man who are husband and wife and suffer from dementia we just had to sit with them and keep them company for a couple hours giving their daughter (a member) a break. It was hilarious listening to them talk to eachother. the man kept forgetting where he lived (we were at their home where their daughter takes care of them) anyways his wife kept saying “darling, we live here! This is our home!” And he would be like “no this is not where I live” and she would be like “no darling we have lived here for 3 years this is our home!” Then he would be like “when will we go back home?” Literally repeat that conversation over and over and over for an hour straight. Then he FINALLY UNDERSTOOD that’s where he Lived. About 5 mins later we brought in his dinner, he put it on his lap to eat and he said “wow this looks great, I’ll eat this then we can go home dear” hahahahahahahaha I was dying. His wife was SO FRUSTRATED Hahahaha bless these 90 year olds. 

Went to Malvern one day and locked our bikes at the co-op Some CHAVS decided it would be super nice of them to steal my hand grips off my bike and my front tire as well?????? But not to worry Bernard Haw came to save the day!!! As always bless him. The haws came to pick up my bike and he spent the next day fixing it bless him then he came back had bought me lights, new tire, and fixed my brakes!!! Such a good guy then he said “that’s what grandads do! They have to take care of their grandkids!!” Haha so cute. 

Well I’m super boring this week and don’t have anything else good. Just hiked the MALVERN HILLS sooo beautiful!! Will send pics. 

While reviewing conference from last week I found so much that I had unknowingly missed!!! I would highly encourage reading and rereading the instruction given by Gods chosen servants! Their messages come directly from HIM! 

One that I really enjoyed studying this week was Elder Bednars. He quoted my favourite scripture: Because of the saviours atonement a mighty change takes place in us, “we have no more disposition to do evil but to do good continually” mosiah 5:2

My favourite thing that he said was that “our scales of distortion will fall from our eyes” 

When we come to know the saviour, and use his atonement in our lives, we no longer long for the things of the world. So how can we do this?

He goes on to say: We too often allow ourselves to come down to the level of the world. The sabbath day helps us rise above the corruption of the world. 

I love this!!!! So often people ask us what is the importance of going to church? Why would I need to do that when I already know what I need to? If I’m living a good life? Well it can help us rise above the world! Our worldly desires fade. Church give us that extra motive and spirit to do this. We read! We go to church! We pray! And we no longer desire to do evil, but to do GOOD continually :):) 

I love you all. Thank you for all your support. I am cherishing every day. 

Sister McEwan xxx

Pictures: lots this week will send another email 

1) THE WORK in action. Sister mamajanyan teaching on the train :) 
2) my new ride at the museum lol
3) museum a member took us to so random
4) museum 
5) sunset while tracting 
7) THE MALWES my favourites from Cannock 
8) sister MCCALL my other favourite from Cannock!!!:)
9) RIGBYs baptism bless him he is so sweet 
10) Sarah my girl  
11) my children 
12) I scream you scream we ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!!

Great Malvern 🍃🌻

Monday, October 2, 2017

To Them Who Love God

“I love the British summer, it is my favourite day of the year”
“Oh my goodness, I think I’ve overslept and missed summer!!”  - Quentin L. Cook

The most true statements to ever be said at general conference 😋 Love the British sarcasm and humour. Don’t love it’s summer all too much though. And just like that it’s over!!! Welcome back darkness at 4 pm and rain ALL DAY EVERY DAY! 

Crashed again this week.. the joys of biking as a missionary. Had a giggle during one of the talks which mentioned it. But yeah might have not been paying attention and ran into a pole... I didn’t get hurt just banged up my hand and my front tire haha bless... my neighbor attempted to fix the bike but just messed up the front brake and we haven’t had a chance to get it checked out yet. So it’s been kinda scary only having partial brakes 

One night we were biking home in the pitch black. I didn’t have any lights (just bought some don’t worry) it was POURING RAIN and my brakes werent working properly(just fixed them don't worry) so you could say I was really scared ha. I prayed the entire 30 minutes home. Gods hand was definitely in that situation. WHICH BRINGS ME TO Ronald A Rasbands talk which I absolutely loved. That god is in even the small aspects of our lives. That “not even a sparrow falls to the ground without his notice.”

Tuesday we had zone conference in Cheltenham. We recieved some training for the upcoming poppy appeal in November we get to volunteer for again this year!! I loved it last year, love the poppies. :). went to Birmingham after with sister smith! Good times. Love being in Birmingham it’s my favourite. 

But I missed my sister Gjika!! I love exchanges they make you appreciate your companion more haha. Missed Worcester as well. Worcester is ready for miracles and god will bring those who are ready for our message to us as “fast as we can receive it” I’m really hoping this ward can kick their new vision into gear so we can build up this area! Missionary work is impossible without the members. 

News on investigators... they’ve all come across some sort of doctrine that is a stumbling block for them. Regina it’s the word of wisdom. She doesn’t want to give up alcohol because if is a very social thing in Portugal... Joan is struggling with our views on same sex marriage. So we will see what happens. We are planing to do a lot of finding this week. We had a miracle where we prayed for a street and knocked into a less active part member family! So that was neat we are looking forward to working with them. 

Yesterday Bernard Haw (the legend, favourite member here) set up conference for the missionaries at the Worcester chapel as it was only being shown at the stake centre in Cheltenham which is ages away. Bless him. So it was fun watching it with him. He would always make silly remarks during the speakers. When president nelson was talking about choosing diamonds or rubies or the book of Mormon he said "well I would definitely choose diamonds, I already have a book of Mormon!" hahaha bless reminded me of something my granddad would say ;) 

I have been sat in front of a blank screen for several minutes trying to adequately express my thoughts and feelings from this weekends conference. 

My personal conversion has changed. As Elder Rasband remarked, I have "progressed to a place I never imagined."

I loved every moment. My favourite talk was by Ronald A. Rasband.. I love how it coincided perfectly with a recent training given by President Leppard at zone conference. How Alma found Amulek "by the way." He said that, "God does not do things by coincidence but by divine design, looking back we can see his hand in our lives." Looking back on my mission and thinking about every person I have met "by the way" has in no way been a coincidence. I know that those people were placed in my path by divine design. I am forever changed by knowing them. 

This has given me a greater knowledge on God's omnipotence. Like King Lamonis father, I too have the desire to "give all my sins to know thee." I want to change whatever needs to be changed in the coming weeks to come closer to him. I want him in every aspect of my life, in the small things, and in the milestones. Because he can make more of me than I can make of myself. 

I felt that the theme for this conference was that "all things work together for good to them that love god." My love has increased for my God this weekend. I feel much closer to the spirit, and I will continue to nourish that so it does not fade. 

Elder Zwicks talk made me feel so close to home. I was overcome with emotions every piece the choir performed, and every time missionary work was mentioned. Each speaker, and their countenances, strengthened my testimony. These men are truly called of God. How can this work NOT be true? It is. I know it is. 

Let us read and reread these inspired words from God!!!! MAY WE NEVER TIRE DESCOVERING AND REDESCOVERING THESE PRECIOUS TRUTHS OF THE GOSPEL. I love you guys.

Sister McEwan xxx


1) we are all in Cheltenham zone haha best mates 
2) my day ones. 
3) you grow another chin on a mission......
4) best ward coordination ever! And saying bye to elder Stephenson:(
5) everyone was in Birmingham on exchanges for this coordination it was so much fun haha love this group of people. 
6) Birmingham 
7) I look like an amputee but it’s fine 
8) about to take on the ENGLISH WEATHER trio life for a day. So fun.

A few more pics...
1) playing piano at the priory in Great Malvern 
2) gen conf on the Saturday 
3) sister power 
4) Cheltenham missionaries at gen conf 
6) Sunday gen conf 
7) birthday ice cream today with a recent convert from Romania andrei!
8) Cheltenham zone conference 
9) tarapi!