Monday, October 2, 2017

To Them Who Love God

“I love the British summer, it is my favourite day of the year”
“Oh my goodness, I think I’ve overslept and missed summer!!”  - Quentin L. Cook

The most true statements to ever be said at general conference 😋 Love the British sarcasm and humour. Don’t love it’s summer all too much though. And just like that it’s over!!! Welcome back darkness at 4 pm and rain ALL DAY EVERY DAY! 

Crashed again this week.. the joys of biking as a missionary. Had a giggle during one of the talks which mentioned it. But yeah might have not been paying attention and ran into a pole... I didn’t get hurt just banged up my hand and my front tire haha bless... my neighbor attempted to fix the bike but just messed up the front brake and we haven’t had a chance to get it checked out yet. So it’s been kinda scary only having partial brakes 

One night we were biking home in the pitch black. I didn’t have any lights (just bought some don’t worry) it was POURING RAIN and my brakes werent working properly(just fixed them don't worry) so you could say I was really scared ha. I prayed the entire 30 minutes home. Gods hand was definitely in that situation. WHICH BRINGS ME TO Ronald A Rasbands talk which I absolutely loved. That god is in even the small aspects of our lives. That “not even a sparrow falls to the ground without his notice.”

Tuesday we had zone conference in Cheltenham. We recieved some training for the upcoming poppy appeal in November we get to volunteer for again this year!! I loved it last year, love the poppies. :). went to Birmingham after with sister smith! Good times. Love being in Birmingham it’s my favourite. 

But I missed my sister Gjika!! I love exchanges they make you appreciate your companion more haha. Missed Worcester as well. Worcester is ready for miracles and god will bring those who are ready for our message to us as “fast as we can receive it” I’m really hoping this ward can kick their new vision into gear so we can build up this area! Missionary work is impossible without the members. 

News on investigators... they’ve all come across some sort of doctrine that is a stumbling block for them. Regina it’s the word of wisdom. She doesn’t want to give up alcohol because if is a very social thing in Portugal... Joan is struggling with our views on same sex marriage. So we will see what happens. We are planing to do a lot of finding this week. We had a miracle where we prayed for a street and knocked into a less active part member family! So that was neat we are looking forward to working with them. 

Yesterday Bernard Haw (the legend, favourite member here) set up conference for the missionaries at the Worcester chapel as it was only being shown at the stake centre in Cheltenham which is ages away. Bless him. So it was fun watching it with him. He would always make silly remarks during the speakers. When president nelson was talking about choosing diamonds or rubies or the book of Mormon he said "well I would definitely choose diamonds, I already have a book of Mormon!" hahaha bless reminded me of something my granddad would say ;) 

I have been sat in front of a blank screen for several minutes trying to adequately express my thoughts and feelings from this weekends conference. 

My personal conversion has changed. As Elder Rasband remarked, I have "progressed to a place I never imagined."

I loved every moment. My favourite talk was by Ronald A. Rasband.. I love how it coincided perfectly with a recent training given by President Leppard at zone conference. How Alma found Amulek "by the way." He said that, "God does not do things by coincidence but by divine design, looking back we can see his hand in our lives." Looking back on my mission and thinking about every person I have met "by the way" has in no way been a coincidence. I know that those people were placed in my path by divine design. I am forever changed by knowing them. 

This has given me a greater knowledge on God's omnipotence. Like King Lamonis father, I too have the desire to "give all my sins to know thee." I want to change whatever needs to be changed in the coming weeks to come closer to him. I want him in every aspect of my life, in the small things, and in the milestones. Because he can make more of me than I can make of myself. 

I felt that the theme for this conference was that "all things work together for good to them that love god." My love has increased for my God this weekend. I feel much closer to the spirit, and I will continue to nourish that so it does not fade. 

Elder Zwicks talk made me feel so close to home. I was overcome with emotions every piece the choir performed, and every time missionary work was mentioned. Each speaker, and their countenances, strengthened my testimony. These men are truly called of God. How can this work NOT be true? It is. I know it is. 

Let us read and reread these inspired words from God!!!! MAY WE NEVER TIRE DESCOVERING AND REDESCOVERING THESE PRECIOUS TRUTHS OF THE GOSPEL. I love you guys.

Sister McEwan xxx


1) we are all in Cheltenham zone haha best mates 
2) my day ones. 
3) you grow another chin on a mission......
4) best ward coordination ever! And saying bye to elder Stephenson:(
5) everyone was in Birmingham on exchanges for this coordination it was so much fun haha love this group of people. 
6) Birmingham 
7) I look like an amputee but it’s fine 
8) about to take on the ENGLISH WEATHER trio life for a day. So fun.

A few more pics...
1) playing piano at the priory in Great Malvern 
2) gen conf on the Saturday 
3) sister power 
4) Cheltenham missionaries at gen conf 
6) Sunday gen conf 
7) birthday ice cream today with a recent convert from Romania andrei!
8) Cheltenham zone conference 
9) tarapi! 

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