Monday, December 25, 2017

Nadolig Llawen!!!! (the extent of my welsh)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! πŸŽ„❄️πŸŽ€πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆ✨🍾🎁❣️πŸŽ…πŸ» Or nadolig llawen in waaaales. 

2 christmases down in The uk. Less than 2 months to go! Holidays are so fun in different countries. You wouldn’t think there were loads of cultural differences haha but there definitely are. 

But this week was FABFAB because I got to go back to Worcester to see an investigator sister Baker and I found 6 months ago finally get baptised!!!!!!! We have been working so hard on sweet Regina. From the first day we met her we knew she was ready and that God had prepared her. We met her in town centre at an atm. I remember her telling us she was going back to Portugal for a month and would text us when she got back if she was interested. We totally forgot about her (you meet so many people) and a month later we get a text from a girl called Regina who wants to meet up haha we had no idea who it was but met for a lesson and then remembered once she rolled up! It was great:):) and she’s been to church every week since. 

It was one of my favourite baptisms on my mission. I got to play the piano so I was able to watch her face on the front row... She could not stop smiling. The ward has been the best at fellowshipping. The bishop even gave his closing remarks and testimony in Portuguese which was so special for her.:) I just was beaming!:) she was so emotional when she came up out of the water. She is such an example to me as well wow. She told her mom about getting baptised and she did not support her at all, but she still wanted it and went for it. A true convert! 

Regina’s baptism was the perfect Christmas celebration. (Best white Christmas;) It helped me gain a stronger testimony of Gods gift to us. Not only at Christmas, but every day of our lives. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” There is no greater gift. 

Couple other things.... 

We had 2 Chinese dinner appointments. One was the best DA of my mission. The other was the worst. So Chinese make this thing called hot pot (which I’ve never had a good one before bless me) bless this Chinese girl it was so spicy we were all coughing so bad. It was her first time cooking as well. She’s an investigator. And THEN oh my in England (and wales ha I always forget I am here) they have this thing called squash. (It isn’t the vegetable) it is a really strong juice they have loads of different flavours but you NEVER EVER EVER drink it without adding 90% water and 10% juice. Because it is just too strong and that’s what you’re supposed to do. So she didn’t realise it was like that and just poured STRAIGHT SUGAR SQUASH into our cups and we did not have the heart to tell her you had to add water. But on the bright side the sugar took away from our flaming hot mouths so it ended up being a blessing. 

We did Christmas carollin with our district and the zone leaders in a neighbourhood of bungalows where loads of old people lived. Every door we knocked the old people were trying to give us money they thought we were raising money for a charity or something. We would’ve made 300 pounds (not kidding) if we would have accepted all the 20 pound notes they were handing out. And we were only carolling for an hour! So ya I think I found myself a career, will nor be going back to uni. One door we Carolled at the lady rebuked us and was like ‘are you Mormons? You are not Christians’ we were like ya we are and she was like ‘no you are not. But it’s not a time to be controversial’ and closed the door. 

We left church with so much chocolate and so many presents from members. They take such good care of us!!!!!! I played the piano in our carol service on Sunday and I absolutely destroyed a couple hymns but the spirit was still there so that’s all that matters. Christmas Eve we spent with some members calleled the goulds. Sang carols. (Welsh sing lots better than the English you were right Linda) Love this ward. 

Welllll that’s all from wales. Sorry I won’t be able to respond to personal emails today don’t have time but will next week!

love u. Merry Christmas:):). See ya in a bit via skype! 

Sister McEwan xxxxxx

1) Regina’s baptism:) all her sisters!
2) look at that smile! 
3) ray
4) best day:) 
5) going home! 
6) Cardiff zone Christmas ‘get together’  
7) shlΕ“r haha as crazy as Christmas Eve got in Cardiff. 
8) sister Mj 
9) exchange with vogan. Love her.  
10) Cardiff missionaries Christmas Eve. 
11) me and lizzy:) with the rushworths this Christmas. Love this little girl! 

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