Monday, December 11, 2017

Seeking Christ at Christmas

Right fam you only have to hear from me 10 more times (Still a lot but oh well lol better than what you have to hear from Amelia;))

Sooooooooooo this week. 

Met with Georgia the recent convert here who’s 16. She wants to go on a mission so we asked her to tell us about the restoration:) she did so well! Even included Alvin and Hyrum haha bless her! After the lesson we were doing some online proselyting in the library and some random guy came and sat by us and asked about our name tags and we taught him the restoration and then after 30 minuets he left and then 3 minutes later ANOTHER GUY sat down by asked and asked about our badges and we taught the restoration again! It was amazing. Even when sitting down god gives us finding opportunities:) 

Tuesday evening we were with the elders. We were gonna go tract a street together.  So we started walking outside of city centre and we were all kinds arguing about where we should go to knock doors and finally I saw a bus and was like ‘ok everyone we are just going to get on this random bus and wherever it stops we we will tract’ Hahahaha. So we got on and ended up by a street we all agreed on. I felt a very distinct prompting that we needed to tract one specific side and the elders needed to tract the other. It’s crazy how it all worked out. We were able to show the light the world video at almost every door we knocked. And we found an amazing new investigator called Anna who’s cousins are Mormons in utah! So she knew all about it and was totally interested in learning more. It was great we were able to go over on Friday night and teach her:) but it’s funny because the side the elders knocked they got let in several times but they were all male and were smoking weed..... god protects his sister hehe but they found some new people as well:)

Wednesday morning we had interviews with pres. Wednesday evening was AMAZING! Some non member friends my family and I met on a cruise 6 years ago came to take me and my companion to dinner! They drove all the way from Leeds to see me spent 5 hours in the car bless them! It was so special. Got to answer so many questions they had about the church and teach the restoration to such dear friends. :) it is a lot more scary teaching the gospel to your friends! I don’t know why that is... But I loved every second. A day I’ll never forget. 

Sister fahl has officially gotten my illness! Bless her..... we had to take another trip to the doctor.... Saturday night was so bad for her I was up all night with her trying to treat her haha. I felt like a mother. I made this blanket thing (with a towel) put it over her head and melted some vapo rub in hot water for her to inhale lol bless she couldn’t breathe so we listened to music and chilled till about 5 am when she finally went to sleep. I’ve been so sleepy! 

Ate dinner with Lilly and Lauren and got to teach her again. She’s still keeping commitments, reading and praying. She’s got a little bit of a road block at the minute but nothing she can’t overcome:):)

Church was cancelled this week because it started snowing (stupid UK don’t know how to cope with snow lol). I was really sad actually.... I haven’t missed church in 16 months! But that’s ok it helped my testimony grow of how much we need church. I felt so spiritually low yesterday. Church really does refill me and get me started for the next week. I read lots of talks and watched several videos on the lds website and that helped but there is just something about going to church on Sunday! :) 

Was weird seeing snow for the first time since being out! Haven’t missed it! But it was a good change from rain falling from the sky! The uk hasn’t had snow like this in years. Facebook is only pictures of snow haha I’m like wow let’s send em to utah;) 

Sorry this letter has been so long. The weeks are flying. Every week I learn something new. Sometimes I have to learn the same thing twice.... but god is so patient with me and for that I am so grateful. President uchtdorf came out with a recent message called seeking Christ at Christmas. At the end of his message he talks about king David and how at a difficult time of his life he wrote “o god, thou art my god; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsting for thee, my flesh longeth for thee.” This is the attitude we must have. A yearning to know him and become more him. President uchtdorf later says that this truly defines who we are as Christ’s disciples. 

Let us be true disciples. 

Sister McEwan xxxx


1) sending letter to mom and dadddsd
2) baking cakes with a recent convert called bicky named after a biscuit LOL
3) Callum! 6 years later n
4) the Gater family 
5) Great times :) 
6) broke my nail....... ouch! Missssssssh life 
7) 4 am sick sister fahl hiding under my contraption 
8) comp love 

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