Monday, December 18, 2017

Spiritually Fed (Plus Yummy Cake)

CHRISTMAS IS EVERYwhere. The members gave us so many gifts yesterday everywhere I turn there are sparkles. Today I was buying a sandwich at the co op, whipped out my wallet, and loads of sparkles fell onto the counter hahaha I apologised to the cashier and she was like ‘you’re making it seem like raining sparkles is a bad thing’ lol guess not! It’s Christmas!

Weelll. I’ll start with something exciting! Do you remember Regina from Worcester!?! Sister baker and I found her street contacting in Worcester and we’ve been working with her for 6 months and on Friday she is getting BAPTISED!!!!!!!!! And president gave me permission to go to her baptism!!! I AM SO HAPPY! White Christmas:):) 

Speaking of WORCESTER Bernard and Val Haw some of my very favourite members came all the way to Cardiff to visit me!!! It was such a special afternoon I couldn’t stop smiling! They are like family. :)

Thursday we had zone conference in England which meant we got to wake up at 4 to travel. Super fun! But it was good I only have 1 more until I go home! Had a cool experience on the way back though:) there were about 10 missionaries on the train back to Cardiff but it was quite full so we all had to sit in seats next to random people. I started talking to the man next to me, and then I heard sister fahl talking to the woman next to her, and then elder Johnson was too, it was a chain reaction everyone started talking to their neighbour!!! At one point I was teaching the resto to 3 guys next to me at the same time it was sooooo cool. We were joking that the whole coach was going to be converted haha. Afterwards sister fahl told me that she was really feeling prompted to talk to the woman next to her but was too scared, but when she heard me talking to my neighbour she wasn’t so scared anymore. The guy I started talking to was not in the least interested but I know it was still meant to happen:):) 

One day we were in the post office posting a parcel and it was crazy busy because almost Christmas. Anyways from across the post office we spotted a crazy less active (I’ll tell you about her when I’m home I literally can not email about it) anyways she screamed across the office ‘I NEED TO TALK TO YOU IM LEAVING THE MORMON CHURCH!’ It was really awkward lots of confused stares all around. 

Saturday was our ward Christmas party. Us and the elders were really hungry but it wasn’t going to start for another hour. Some members offered to give us some leftover COSTCO CHOCOLATE CAKE okay I repeat COSTCO CHOCOLATE CAKE which I have not tasted in over 16 months. We hid ourselves in a room behind a whiteboard with 4 spoons and just pigged out hahaha we were all joking about how it was definitely the most life changing and spiritual moment of our missions. Bowen even said it was the highlight of his life. (Sad lol) 

I keep gaining a testimony over and over of how good it feels to be spiritually fed. (Didn’t realise I put this right after the chocolate cake bit) Yesterday morning right when I woke up I read a conference talk and all day my perspective on life was happier. That evening was the Cardiff stake Christmas choir concert. The spirit was so strong! I was on a high. 

At zone conference this week president shared a story of his son returning home from his mission. They all made banners and didn’t realise a spelling error on one of them... it had said “Retuned with honour” instead of returned. This has stuck with me all week. He related it to a piano. I feel like I came into the mission field out of tune. But over the last 16 months I have been retuned for my return. I am so, so, so thankful I could come on a mission. I couldn’t imagine my life without it. I view life in a completely different way. A better way. And I still have 2 more months of refinement! (And a lifetime that will follow) 

I will send my bus driver story at the end of this email for those who don’t have access to Facebook:)

Love yous! Can’t wait to skype next week 😜😜😜😜😜

Sister McEwan xxxx

1) rosemary an old lady we visit. Look how tender she is looking at me! Love her so much. Although she loves me a little too much lol in church she just stares at me and smiles the whole time. Can be uncomfortable at times lol. 
3) MEMBERS from WORCESTER came too see me this week! Best day ever! 
4) Merthyr Cardiff and Cheltenham Christmas zone conference 
5) zone conf 
6) tender mother father and son pic
7) SIRI-EK such a good reunion we were crying. 
8) naughty! 
9) lovely gift (OF FOOD) from members 
10) Christmasssss 
11j Gloucester cathedral from the train. 

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