Monday, December 5, 2016

What a Good Week

WHAT A GOOD WEEK!!!!!! Oh my goodness. My new comp Sis. Johnson (actually from Idaho) we are the same person and have way too much fun together it's insane. We get SO much done. Work hard play hard is our vision for this transfer. We had such a good missionary week. I am so completely exhausted and 100% drained and I've felt every range of possible emotion but it's been incredible.

I don't even know where to start. We met with the Edwards family yay!! Katie Joseph and their 2 little boys. Charlie and "little Joseph." They are sweethearts. They are so kind and so open. Joseph is just starting his own business so he is working a ton, but Katie still meets with us and it's greeeeat. :) Roger and his fam also set up an appointment with us. Roger, Faye, and their 2 kids Rihanna and Xander. I'm so excited. Matt came with us to a Christmas concert in Lichfield we are hoping we can put him on a baptism date tomorrow.

On transfer day sister Johnson had a ton of luggage and we had to get from flipping Sutton Coldfield to Cannock by train because the Lichfield zone is the closest to the mission home so we didn't get a coach. It was such a blessing that everyone on the train was actually being nice and helping us!!!!! It was rough though because we had to switch trains in Birmingham. When we got off in Cannock we were talking to each other about how it was going to be impossible to get it all to Heath Hayes because it's like a 15 minute uphill walk from the train station. Some random woman turned around and was like "Can I give you guys a lift to your flat??" She was completely normal and so kind!!!!!!! We got to her car and she was like "My husband actually has a van so I'll phone him so you can easily put all your stuff in it!!!" We were like..... "is this Utah?" What the heck!!!!! We were convinced she was an angel. Her name is Claire and we are actually teaching her tonight!!!!

GUESS WHO'S GETTING BAPTIZED THIS WEEK????????!!!!!??? The one and only Oliver. :) FINALLY!!!!!! Oh my goodness I can not wait. He told us that he wanted to be baptised this week and our jaws fell to the ground. Everything is all planned for we've just got to get him in the water!!!:) he had his baptism interview yesterday and passed with flying colours.

There's a man named Peter Sister Price and I street contacted a few weeks ago. We've knocked on his door at least a dozen times but he has never answered (even though he is clearly home). On Saturday I was like ehhh why not let's just try it one more time. Finally, peter answered. He said we could come back the following night to come teach him!!! When we first met peter I remember him telling us he had a lot of mental health problems. The next day when we taught him, as soon as we sat down, he told us "I haven't had people in my home for over 4 months, this is a huge step for me." He said that he never answers his door, and never goes outside. The one time he was outside was when Sister Price and I stopped him, and he knew it was a sign that there was a God!. He said several people had knocked his door that day that he had ignored, but he felt that he was supposed to answer it when we had knocked. THE LESSON WAS SO GOOD. he opened up to us and told us everything. We showed him the light of Christ Mormon message which related to him completely. Then we invited him to be baptized and he said "I would want nothing more than that." We pray that he will make it to his date, on January 1st!!!!!! Peter is so ready for that date!!!!! Please pray that his anxiety will allow him to go to church with us. :)

This week we tried so hard to make our finding efforts creative. One day we literally saw a trolley (shopping cart) outside of someone's flat complex. So we took it in and I sat in it as we knocked doors hahahaha it actually got people to listen to us so you gotta do what you gotta do. It's our new favourite finding method. Trolley tracting. It's a thing. Later in the week we tracted into a family and u know.... when u have a family on the line,... you gotta do everything possible to make them talk to you. This body builder answered the door so we just started talking about protein and the gym for like 10 minutes hahahaha turns out the day before the missionaries in Stafford (Manchester mission) had tried to teach him at the gym hahahah we were like "THIS IS A SIGN!!!!" So he's gonna let us come back and teach his fam haha.

The coolest miracle ever happened on Thursday. (This was pre-trolley tracting) Sister Johnson and I prayed that we would find someone named Robert. We came up with a new way to tract by knocking and being like "Is this Roberts house?" And then they're like "no" and then we are like "oh...... well we are volunteers from our church!!!!" And start a convo that way hahahah. ANYWAYS we literally found a guy named Robert. He was a dude who was babysitting his 2 grandkids Keegan and Ethan. They were THE CUTEST LITTLE BOYS. we showed them the light the world video and Keegan was like "It's Jesus!!!!" Every time he came on the screen it was so cute. Robert invited us back and we set up an appointment to meet his son and sons girlfriend (the parents of the 2 boys) yesterday we went back and taught them and it was hands down the best lesson yet. Emily and Kieron are their names. We taught them the restoration and they were like "This is the most true of all the churches. This has to be true." Then we read the Book of Mormon as a family and Emily was like "I really want one of those" and we were like ITS YOURS hahah. Oh my heck it was amazing. This week we are going to teach the plan and temple marriage. This sweet little family is so prepared for the gospel.

We met Manees boyfriend at her shop and he was like "Come over for dinner and teach us!!!" It was so awesome because he's never been taught by missionaries. He was loving it and we had a great discussion about the plan of salvation. We got bible bashed hardcore this week by several people hahahaha it was a trial. Our comp unity is hilarious we say the same things at the same time. Sis Johnson goes home in 2 transfers so I'm going to beg president that I can stay in Cannock with her until she leaves. Also I was demoted from ward pianist because one of the new elders in our ward plays Organ. 💔 we saw Phillip at his little windmill antique shop this week on our way back to our flat and he just gave us a full size mirror for free. He's adorable.

We've been trying to do some service because ''Tis the season". We ate at a pub on Friday and bought a dessert for this random table and had a waitress deliver it to them. It was so awkward because they were like "We don't want that" HAHA Backfire.

We met so many people this week and I wish I could tell you everything about everyone!!!! We are really focusing on building our teaching pool. I'M SO TIRED. It's the best feeling though. Some moments I feel so inadequate and like "What am I doing?" But other moments I think this is going by too fast and I need to just soak it all in!!! There are so many things that happen every day I wish I could share but you'll just have to wait a few months for it all. :)

When we are obedient to the missionary schedule we truly see miracles. We have been going running at 6 every morning and even those 30 minutes of exercise make such a difference in the day. Sorry I don't have any spiritual bit but I love you all sooooooooooo much.

Please pray for my beautiful little sister Isabelle as she is going into back surgery this morning ❤️❤️ love you Wiz.

OG Cannock crew at transfers
New District

Don't ask. We are tying to make funny videos for the Wylde Green Elders.

Hit before our run

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