Monday, September 11, 2017

I Will Rejoice in My God

Warning: THIS IS THE LONGEST EMAIL I EVER HAVE AND EVER WILL EVER WRITE IN MY LIFE. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE!!!! This week was one of the best weeks of my mission!!!! Sister Gjika and I are on cloud 9.

Started with TRANSFERS. dropped sister baker at the train station and
was in a trio with sister Gjika and mamajanyan for a couple hours
while sister mama was waiting for her new companion! We went to
Malvern to visit the bishops family. It's so fun being with their
little kids Joseph and Amelia! Although it's always weird calling
other people Amelia haha ;)

Worcester ward and it's people are so wonderful. We have several
people who are deaf, so we have someone who signs at the front. There
is the sweetest boy with Down syndrome who passes the sacrament. It's
just so amazing that everyone is there for the same reason, and we all
have the same thing in common. Going to church really is the best
thing! it has become so much more spiritual for me on the mission.

Tuesday evening we ate dinner with some members called the matthews.
She's a pro seamstress so I dropped off a couple skirts and dresses
which needed mending as well. ;) it was such a fun evening. sis
matthews dad lives with them as well, they take care of him. Bless him
he is about 90 and sooooooo hilarious and cheeky and was totally
flirting with us the entire time. It was too funny. Also had to listen
to him talk about chess for an hour straight and it was kind of
torture but also funny because sis matthews was always like 'stop and
eat your food!' She had to reheat his food cos he wouldn't stop
talking telling us about chess hahaha. So passionate about it.

My best friend Sarah Hall from kidderminster is going to university in 
Worcester and we live literally on the same street as the uni so she 
parks in our parking spot and i get to see her EVERY MORNING
BEFORE MY STUDIES!!! its such a blessing!!!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!

Wednesday we had a lesson with Simon...oh bless Simon he is too much
haha. So many funny experiences but I just can't put them in a weekly
email for everyone to see HAHA. Did lots of finding and tracting. Met
a few cool people. Lots of times we just teach lessons on the door
step and that is the end of it, they don't want to hear more, but it's
still really special for me to be able to teach them. That is my
favourite part of the mission is getting to testify of these basic

Thursday was district meeting. Then we biked to a member called Mary
who is about 80. She had us go to the chippy to buy us all some fish
and chips and then we ate together. She is such a crack up all she
wants to talk about is boys I love it 'bless her life' she says that
about 200 times while we are with her. Friday we had an amazing lesson
with our investigator Joan. Who is a member referral (one of the
members sister!) she's doing well and comes to church each week but
doesn't think she feels the spirit...Saturday we spent most the day in
Cheltenham doing a service project sewing blankets for refugees. It
was fun being with the relief society in the stake.


Saturday night we helped a recent convert called andrei write his talk
for church the following day. His topic was testimony of the saviour.
So we helped him make different points and found a couple scriptures.
At the end we watched prince of peace and all 3 of us shared our
favourite things about the saviour. It was one of the most spiriutal evenings
of my life. We were in the library in a quiet corner to ourselves having our
own testimony meeting about the saviour. It was so incredible hearing his 
sweet testimony after working with him for so long. 

Sunday was the best sunday of my entire mission. hands down. Miracle 
after miracle kept happening. so firstly, regina called us saturday night and said
'i have something i want to tell you guys, i am bringing my friend with me to
church on sunday, is that okay?' we were like YEAH DUH!!!!!! So she brought 
her sweet friend sofia - from portugal as well! Then another recent convert
called susie brought her boyfriend who was the coolest ever!!!!!! We had 4
gators at church again. our gospel principals class was so diverse this week!!
It was the best. There were 3 from portugal, 2 from Africa, 1 from England, 1
from phillipeans, 1 from Albania, 1 from Romania, 1 from Armenia, and I was the
only American! It was incredible, gathering together as members and non members 
from across the world, all testifying of the saviour and the plan he has for us. Sister Gjika and I taught and we invited our portuguse members to share their testimonies in their native tongue
for sofia and Regina which they loved. Sofia even expressed her desire to be 
baptised!!!! She said that she had been trying several churches while being in
England and none of them came even close to this. She said she felt so welcome.
The last hour was combined with relief society and priesthood. Bishop played the 
youth video 'ask of god' and sofia was so overcome with emotions. Andrew, the 
boyfriend of Susie also expressed his desire to learn more and we are teaching
them this week. :) I am thrilled.

After church we taught a lesson to a man named Danny who we tracted into 
last week. We taught him on his door step as he didnt have another woman 
in the home and he too was overcome with the spirit! We said a closing prayer
outside his home and when it was over his eyes were teary he said that this
was exactly what he needed. We are going to be teaching him again tonight
with a member!! 

We went home to eat then rode our bikes to the library for another lesson with
an investigator we have called Pedro!! (the guy who showed up to church in
cycling shorts hehe) but yes, we taught him the gospel of jesus christ and it
just made sense to him. we put him on a baptism date for the end of october. we pray
that he will give the book of mormon and coming to church a priority so he
can make that date :) we are hoping to put sofia and andrew on a date this week
as well!!!! So many good things happening in Worcester!!!!

I loved something in Alma 25 this week I wanted to share! 

"Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, eveunto boasting in my God; for he has all powerall wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name."

"do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; bubehold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joyanwill rejoice in my God."

Right now I am studying about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis. I love their example of faithfulness to their covenants. I could make a list of so many principals of the gospel i learned from this story, but one that stuck out the most to me while reading it was that God has a plan!!!! They all buried their weapons of war and went to battle without any form of protection. They were Gods people, but many perished. But because of their examples of faith, even more of their bretheren were converted. 

"And it came to pass that the people of God were joined that day by more than the number who had been slain; and those who had been slain were righteous people, therefore we have nreason to doubt but what thewere saved."

I have no doubt that those who were slain to convert the lamanites thought it was worth it. I know that this was the plan God had. He will do anything to have as many of his children return to him as possible. Every day out here, even all the painful days, ESPECIALLY the painful days, is worth it. Even though I have had to bury so many 'weapons of war' I have never been so happy. 

I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG if its only my grandma and parents that read this its totally fine:) 

I love you guys way too much. Thank you for everything. Heres to another FAB week in England!!!!

Sister McEwan xxx

Wearing this beautiful scarf Sarah bought me from Italy!!!! <3 
Sista tarapi!!! us in cheltenham making blankets! 
Sweet regina and sofia! 
 Yummy place called Shakeaway. 
Train tickets! oh wait... she just had to walk to her next area.. lol! 
Funny story about joseph and his rediculous smile in this photo: his mom said he could have ice cream if he
did a proper smile cuz he was just making silly faces hahaahahha look at that smile!!!!!
Got to see my bff CARSON!!!!! i love her. 

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