Monday, November 7, 2016

God does not call the qualified. He qualifies those He calls.

Hiya from Great Britain! Really thankful I get to be here during elections;) 

So because of daylight savings the sun literally begins to set at 3 pm. what the flip is going on. We tract at night because its easier to see who is home and who isnt. At 5:00 we will be knocking and people will be like "Why are you knocking doors so late???????" We're like uhhh this is awkward its only 5 pm and we still have 4 hours of this. 

We have been doing a lot of member work this week because our DL got mad at us for doing too much finding (???) never thought we would hear that haha. But it ended up being a blessing because we found a part member family and one of the daughters, Florence, she is super interested in the church. She is 13 and comes to youth occasionally. Her family was baptised but they never come out to church. She asked her mom if she could have the missionary discussions which is awesome!!! Shes thinking about baptism:) She didnt make it to church this week because the people who were supposed to pick her up forgot to...... man oh man. Such a sweetheart though. She has never had a book of mormon and was so happy when we gave her her own.

Nick and Liam didnt make it to church either. Sunday morning at 3 am we got a text from Nick saying that he had been teaching Liam up to chapter 5 of the book of mormon in preperation for church the following day. Because of their late night studies they unfortunately slept through their alarm and didnt make it church. Haha oh Nick. We saw him several times this week. He makes our day happy no matter what! We went to dinner with him one night and gave him a chapel tour. He will be a life long friend. 

We tracted a guy named Greg a few weeks ago and have stopped by several times but he is always busy and tells us to come back. Finally he let us talk to him. He told us he was so lonely because his wife left him and took his kids and he didnt have any friends. We showed him the because of him video and he couldnt stop crying. It was so sad. He wants us to come back because he feels that there is hope in our message and he wants nothing more than to be happy. It was such a humbling experience for me. Everytime I'm in that kind of situation I can't help but think that I wouldnt rather be doing anything else. 

District meeting was a trial because we had way too many elders at our chapel and they got eggs literally on the ceiling of our kitchen. How do you get egg yolk on the ceiling??? Leave it to the elders. 

On Saturday Sis Price and I met the COOLEST lady on a street that one of the members had prayed about for us to tract. She talked to us for like 30 minutes and asked that we come back the following day to teach her and her daughter because they really wanted to go to church. I was so happy and fasted for help and guidance to know what to teach and that the spirit would touch them both. On Sunday around 4 we headed over. Its a pretty good walk and it was frigid outside. We got there and she said to give her 20 minutes and we were like okay so we just sat in the cold and then knocked again in 20 minutes several times and she wouldnt answer and kept looking out the window??? It was so sad. Something I have learned this week is that when you knock you cant be like "is there a better time we can come back?" you have to teach them right then. It's so hard to get them to listen to you a second time. We felt pretty down and then got lost and it was Guy Fawkes night which is like their fourth of july so their were fireworks everywhere and no one wanted to listen to us. 

Tracting is so weird here because people will either yell through the door and be like "WHO IS IT!!!!!!!!" Accents are hard enough to understand and through a door is even worse. Or they will pop out their window 3 stories high and shout to us. So awkward. This week one guy popped out of his window and was like "I'm in the shower!!!!!!" We scheduled a return appointment with him though... These experiences dont even shock me anymore. 

We met soooo many awesome people this week. One day I was praying and praying we would find a family and we did!!!! The guy was really interested and wanted us to come back. His son had been christened just the day before. We met a dude named Peter who was a sweetheart and wanted us to stop by. Also we tracted into these 2 brothers close by our flat. Later this week we met a boy on the street who was their older brother - what are the chances?!?!? They all wanted us to go back and teach them so we did but their sister answered the door and was like "sorry we are not interested" and we were like "oh but your brothers wanted us to come by!" and she said "no they dont sorry" and slammed the door. We were like oh my gosh its not your agency!!!!! It was really hard not to be angry after that. 

For district finding we went to cannock town centre. Sister price had several nose bleeds so we had to go to the bathroom for like 30 minutes so we had to do some finding in the bathroom hahahahah one lady we found is named Elizabeth she is a granny and so cute. wants us to come over for some tea and biscuits. 

Some days I feel so overwhelmed because there is so much I don't know and so much that I want to study but don't have time to. I feel so inadequate to be teaching people about something I feel like I hardly even know about myself. I have to constantly remind myself of the quote "God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies those He calls." Or something like that. I need more faith. I say that every week. It is something that I feel will take a lifetime to master. 

Good vibes and not very blue skies ova here in England. Haha. Love it here.

Tarah Tarah,

Sister McEwan xxx

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