Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I am Meant to be in England

Oh my gosh you guys. Never did I think I could love something so much. I LOVE IT HERE. GO ON A MISSION. It's so amazing I have grown so much in the last two weeks it kinda freaks me the freak out. But the heavens have seriously opened and I just want to scream to everyone in England that the Church is TRUE!!!!!

I have a ton to talk about a ton of fun stories but I have to start with the most important!!!! So last Thursday we had a proselyting street contacting practice day in Manchester. They gave us two Book of Mormons and some pass along cards and dropped us off at a big outdoor shopping place. First of all it was like a 30 minute drive and raining and I could not believe how beautiful this place is. I mean wow. I have never been somewhere so green and so beautiful in my entire life. My pictures do it no justice. Anways so we get there and me and my comp decided we would not waste any time and just attack people. So the first people were saw were an elderly couple and they were adorable and they were also already Mormon. SO THAT WAS AN ULTIMATE FAIL. And so then we went to like 10 other people and they kindly told us they weren't interested (kind of kindly). But I couldn't believe how fine I was with being completely rejected. It didn't put me down at all. Then we went over to these 2 teen boys that just got out of school and were straight chillin at the park. We talked to them for a good 10 minutes then I asked them if they believed in God and they said no. So I challenged them to pretend for 1 day that there is a god and just see what happens. I got their emails so I'm about to email them and ask how it went. They were really up for it. And then we found this guy from Africa who was handing out newspapers and we said we would trade him a newspaper for a Book of Mormon and he was SO INTERESTED AND KEPT ASKING US QUESTIONS and so we both we bearing our testimony and bawling and he was crying and he said he was going to read it because he's trying to find God because he believes in him and needs his help. I got his email and I'm about to write him too!!!! And THEN (this is the best one) there was this total gangster father I saw several times throughout the day and he was kind of scary cause he had really long hair and ripped jeans and tons of tats but he was so cute and with his little son and I kept feeling like I should go up to him and teach him about the plan of salvation. Finally after the 5th time I saw him (he was without his son that time and with a girl with hot pink hair) and we attacked. He LOVED THE PLAN OF SALVATION and told us he would read the Book of Mormon and that he was looking for religion and super interested and at first the chick was like what are you doing here but at the end she was loving to listen. It was amazing I was on such a high I can't even tell you. I can't wait to do that for 18 months. And we got his email too. And there were a bunch of other sweet people we talked to but didn't have much success with but had good conversation. It was pouring rain and so much fun I LOVE ENGLAND.

So this purple garment thing has turned around to HAUNT ME. Yesterday I threw a pencil at Elder Terry because he made fun of me or something and he got pencil all over his white shirt and I was like oh my I'm so sorry I'll wash it for you, then Elder Gilbert was like ya if you want it to turn purple. bye. Whatever it's fine. I got white garments at the store today for p-day and we got to go to the temple again I loveeee the temple I'm so sad that will be my last time for 18 months because I don't have a temple in my mission. GO TO THE TEMPLE MORE PEOPLE.

Worst experience of the week was teaching 2 random elders the law of chastity and my Russian companion doesn't know any of the law of chastity in English so basically I was the one teaching the entire thing. So uncomfortable. And then one of our progressing investigators (fake, just a teacher) brought it up in our lesson that night which probably went even worse. Pray for me.

I have so much fun with my district we are so comfortable with each other that I legitimately talk to them in my baby voice hahahahahhaaha they love it. Everyolne in the MTC keeps coming up to me and asking me to talk in my baby voice hahah so annoying this one elder calls me Sister Goofy cause he thinks I'm hilarious. He is out of control we all have so much fun together. This week we made Elder Gilbert eat a bug for 20 pounds, Elder Odgaard gave us some NASTY DANISH CANDY that he just inhales it's disgusting. Elder Gilbert is from the south so he has that typical southern accent (he's the district leader) so I always make him sing "baby lock them doors and turn them lights down low" it's hilarious hahahahaha I'm going to try to send a video of it. And he always says alright in this southern accent oh my gosh I love him he's so annoying. We played down by the banks of the hanky panky as a zone the other day and I was the only one who knew how to sing it and I had to sing it probably 300 times until the game finished and I lost my voice cuz I was yelling it. Good times.

The most spiritual day of my life ever was yesterday and probably the day before too hahah. We got to sit in the chapel here for 30 minutes and just study as a district I can not explain to you the spirit that was there it was soooo strong. The chapels here are GORGEOUS. wow. Then yesterday I was struggling major with teaching with my companion because I do most of the lesson because she can not speak English at all so I got so frustrated and my teacher Sister Sawyer (I love her now she's amazing) pulled me aside and reassured me that I'm doing better than I think I am. (Honestly that practice teaching is the only thing I hate about the MTC its so intimidating teaching your teachers.) But she said she set me up for exchanges tomorrow so I get to spend the day with a different comp and see what it's like to teach with someone else which is a blessing because its Sister Lannan who's one of my roommates!!!! I love her so much. I also love my companion soooooo much so it's not that big of a deal just teaching is frustrating. But we get along so well. I have learned a lot about patience already. KARMA of me always being late has finally bit me. I am always on time here. seriously. always ready by the time I need to be always up right at 6:30, but my companion.... ALWAYS LATE we are always the last to eat cuz she takes so long to eat and I have some serious Butler genes in me when I say I am the first person done AT EVERY MEAL OUT OF THE WHOLE MTC. It's fine though. I have learned how to wait I usually just pray to have patience while I'm sitting there waiting for her to hurry uppppppppp.

There was a thunder storm the other night and it was HORRIFYING I was up the whole night!!!!!! The last few nights I have gotten no sleep at all I almost fell asleep during the session today haha it was so hard to stay awake. But yeah thunder storms here are just like in the movies where the dogs get scared and it feels like there is an earthquake. So scary. My heart was pounding the entire night.

Every day my district we make a drawing on the board of how our day went. I'll send pics cuz that probably made no sense. but we started by drawing our grave stones after every practice lesson because we all did an awful job one day and pretended we were dead and the reason for our death on our gravestone. That made no sense but I'm not deleting it bye.

We play frisbee every day for exercise time its sooooo fun and everyone gets way into it hahahah. I am so sweaty that I have to shower after its so fun. I am literally Isabelle out here I never do my hair haha I love it Izzy is adorable I tell everyone about you guys all the time. Everyone knows about my fam.

Also this week I was complimenting a British elders pants (cuz they were cool) and I said "Hey I like your pants!!!!!" (completely oblivious to the fact that in England, pants are underwear) and he responded saying "How come, they're only white!!!!!!" Hahahhahaha now he makes fun of me every time he sees me. I MEANT TROUSERS!!!!!

There's this elder from Salt Lake who I guess his district teases him about me and we were talking the other day in the line waiting for dinner and his district came down with cameras and ran up to him saying "Elder, Elder, its 5:30 you need to apply your cream!!!!" Hahahahahahahah he turned bright red it was hilarious. My musical number last week went so well. Brother Phillip from the 70 came to speak to us and it was amazing. The spirit was so strong. This week I learned how to be a consecrated missionary and put everything on the alter. I WANT TO DO EVERYTHING I POSSIBLY CAN this next 18 months!!! I have eternity to mess around ;) wow I feel so great right now. I'm having so much fun. I couldn't stop thinking about this week about how exited I am for Amelia and Isabelle and Maxwell. I was going to say I can't wait to see what I'm going to be like when this is all over but I DON'T WANT IT TO END!!!!!! Spiritual high. Read your scriptures. haha. Loves

There's so much more I could say seriously I have so much fun here oh my gosh I am learning so much and I wish I could tell you about every scripture and every spiritual moment and lesson but the paper I have of the scriptures I wanted to send I left in my room and if I go to my room during computer time my comp will probably have to go to the bathroom which takes so long so I'm not risking it. I love you so much and think about you guys all the time!!!! There's no where else I'd rather be though!!! It's amazing how the mission changes your perspective on everything!!! On everything that is important!!!! I wish I could tell you about every person I have become friends with here. I have made friends from France and Ukraine and Salt Lake and California and Germany and Fiji and the Philippines. i. just. love. it. My district was meant to be together. My companion was meant to be my companion. I am meant to be in England.

I'll talk to you guys next week!!!!!! I drive to Birmingham on Wednesday so I have no idea if I'll write on Tuesday or not talk for 2 weeks ://// I am so sorry I have no idea. But if not, then the next time we talk I'll be IN THE FIELD!!!!! England or Wales wherever the Lord sends me :) cant wait cant wait. I can feel your prayers!!!! I'm praying for you!! So much love!!! Haven't cried since my break down last week don't even worry hahahha. <3

Cheers to England!!!!!!!

xx Sister McEwan

Preston England Temple
They call me Sister Goofy

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