Monday, June 19, 2017

URUGUAY πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΎπŸŽ‰πŸ’₯πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ’Œ✨

Big shout out to my little sister AMELIA aka Sister McEwan #2 on her
mission call to URUGUAY MONTEVIDEO WEST!!!!!!!!! Whaaaat???????? I am
so jealous. You will be the best missionary. :):)

So that was by far the highlight of the week. I didn't sleep the whole
night then at 6:30 we ran to the chapel and my mom sent a video of the
opening. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop smiling and I've
watched the video at least 200 times and showed every person in
Nottingham. I'm so proud.

Loads happened this week!!! I got a new comp, sister de capite from
Vancouver Canada. Love her. We are having lots of fun together.

Dean passed his baptism interview!!!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ He will be baptised on
Saturday :):):) oh man. I can't believe it's happening. Yesterday
while we were teaching him he asked if it were possible to die from
happiness hahahaha. He was getting so emotional it was really cute.
Also funniest story: we called him during the week and in the
background I could hear him listening to "I am a child of God" I asked
him where he found it and he just said it came up as a suggested song
on his phone and he loves it. He said "sister McEwan wouldn't it be so
spooky if we sang it in church tomorrow???" Then... sure enough....
the next day we sang it hahahahahaha. We had nothing to do with it i
promise!!!! I was sat on the stand because I spoke in church and he
looked at me shocked. It was funny.

Zone conf this week. I was called on without warning to share my
testimony. That was scary.

I spent the whole day tuesday with the coulsons (some members) because
my new comp was coming from Wales so I was companionless. It was

Yesterday we had a dinner appointment with an american family from
Provo. It made me SO HOMESICK hahahaaahha i miss americans so much.
They are just so much less awkward hahahah. Anyways... turns out the
dad totally took my mom to prom???? What the heck such a small world.
It was really fun.

Another highlight. We were calling all the numbers in the phone one
morning and called a guy named Shawn. He said "the missionaries have
called before and I always tell them id love to meet with them but
never have, so can you meet today?" We were like uhhhh YA SHAWN!!!!!
So we met him at the chapel with some members. He is a doctor and
wants to know the truth. It went really well. He said we called him at
the perfect time because for some reason he keeps coming in contact
with our church the last few months. Before he left i read with him
the last two paragraphs in the introduction of the book of mormon. I
could not hold back my tears. That book is true. I can not deny that.

I love you all!!!!!!! And hey also its my amazing fathers birthday on
the 23rd so can everyone spoil him rotten for me?????:):):) I hope you
had the best fathers day dad. I gave a talk about fathers and could
barely get through it. You have no idea how much i love you.

Sister McEwan

1) bye bye sister Bacchus. Moving to leicester
2) walking to a dinner appointment and got distracted
3) houses on the canal
4) some members garden
5) zone conference
6) funny zone conference
7) my girl sister shadi Nkomo
8) my girl sister Carson

More Pictures:
1) comp car selfie
2) Sister De Cap and my guesses - LITERALLY SANDWICHING HER MISSION
3) sent Mia a letter:)
4) Teaching dean!!!! He always brings us a snack. :)
5) waiting for our bus
6) bus again
7) bus again
8) THE COOLEST AMERICAN FAMILY. from Provo. It was so nice being with
Americans. God bless the USA. The guy took my mom to a high school
dance. Small world.
9) last p day
10) games night

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