Monday, June 26, 2017

Gladly, We'll Walk in The Light

Oh my goodness!!!!!! What an amazing week!!!!! (I think i start all my
emails like this??)

Deans baptism was a success!!!!! I have sent another email of the
baptism and the pictures. :) it was such a special evening. He wanted
everything to be perfect. He even went to the extent of asking me to
bring him some tweezers because he had literally one eye brow hair
that he didnt want to show up in the pictures hahahah bless him.

Baptisms are the most sacred experiences of the mission. I can not
explain the joy. I would have given anything to have my family there.
i cant wait for amelia to experience this so very soon!! I was the
chorister in the service. Seeing the tears and big smiles during the
hymns sung were moments of my life I will never forget.

The members have been so good to dean. He left church yesterday with
several ties, a white shirt, and lots of notes!!! He is so well taken
care of and fits right in.

Another exciting miracle that happened this week!!!! There is a part
Member family in our ward where the wife is a member and she brings
her 2 little boys to church but the husband is not. He came to church
on Father's Day and we asked if we could come around and give him the
missionary discussions (idk why no one has before) but anyways! After
about an hour of good discussion he agreed to be baptised!!!!! The
only thing holding him back is himself. He is a very nervous man but
we explained that we, and Heavenly Father, will be there every step of
the way to help him make it to his date. :) The fact that his family
can be together forever and sealed in the temple was his selling
point, I can't wait for this sweet family to do just that!!!:)

We live in the dodgiest area of all of long eaton. Don't know who's
idea it was to house sisters there. Its actually semi scary at night
and its been way hot the last few weeks and they dont have AC in
England cause the heat doesn't last very long but at night we just
wake up in pools of sweat (gross). The other night we were willing to
risk our lives and sleep with the windows open haha. I went to the
bathroom to brush my teeth and the window was open in there too and
from our room window sister de cap stuck her arm into our bathroom
window cause theyre right next to eachother and i screamed because it
scared me and then from below some drunk guy yelled out "oooooooooo
its the boogie man!!!!!" Lol.

We went on Splits for the first time on my mission!!!! I went with a
girl called Adia from Provo. :) she is 17 and preparing to go on a
mission!!! It was such a great experience knocking with her!! We
prayed we would see a miracle, and the first door we knocked we got a
new investigator!!! :)

I have recently become the mission seamstress. I am getting many
requests from elders to sew jackets and trousers and i have to admit i
do a pretty good job (Thanks mom) i also cut 5 inches off my comps
hair and cooked a gourmet grilled chicken and tomato sandwich this
week. You could say im getting closer and closer to wife material ;)
wow, missions rock!

This week the elders taught a man who asked if donald trump was the
prophet of our church. He was not kidding. The people you meet. You
also meet great people though. While knocking sister De cap tripped
and scraped her knee and a woman saw from her woman and ran outside to
clean her cut and give her a plaster. She was an angel really :)

I will be honest, serving a mission has been the hardest thing I've
ever done in my life. There is no possible way that I could do this on
my own. Without the Saviour this work would be impossible. I have an
unwavering testimony that he lives, and that he is the "only name
whereby men can be saved." I couldnt help but sob through the last
verse of the closing song at Deans baptism. "Grateful, we praise thee
with songs of delight! Gladly, gladly we’ll walk in the light."

May we ever follow him, and learn from him, with a smile on our face,
and with love in our hearts. :)

Sister McEwan xxx

1) Comp unity district photo.
2) We found Sharpay Evans UK getaway home (hehe)
3) Represent.
4) Splits with the Hansens!!!
5) Games night!!!:)
6) every time we pass this river (several times a day) we do a leaf
race. I usually lose.
8) bout to do some damage!!!
9) baptism:)
10) What is England

Dean's Conversion Story

Here's Deans conversion story and some pictures if any of you havent
read it previously and want to know ☺️

Every Tuesday our district does district finding. We either go to Long
Eaton (our area), Beeston, (The elders area) or Nottingham City
Centre, (ZLs area). This particular week we were due to go into
Nottingham, as we had gone into Long Eaton the week prior. But, elder
williams had a prompting that we needed to be in Long Eaton, so that
is what we did.

Sister Bacchus and I were street contacting in town and right before
we were about to stop a random guy, we heard someone yell behind us
"where's Jesus when you need him??" So we quickly flipped around and
said "we can tell you!!!!" He had no idea we were missionaries and
said "did i just say that out loud???" He was obviously very drunk. We
talked for about 30 minutes and make an appointment with him to meet
the following day.

The next day we taught him the gospel of jesus christ and put him on a
baptismal date!!! Every lesson we taught him up to word of wisdom he
had a drink in his hand. Once we introduced the word of wisdom he
threw his drink away and hasn't had any alcohol since! The first day
we met he had really long curly hair and a beard... now he is all
clean cut and even bought a suit for church. Members gave him white
shirts and ties at church on sunday too. Everyone has taken him in. He
has lost his entire family and now refers to all the members as his

"Because of the love and the grace of the saviour, we do not have to
be what we have been." The atonement has given Dean hope, light, and a
new beginning. He glows!!!! His life will never be the same. I am so
happy for him.

Monday, June 19, 2017

URUGUAY πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΎπŸŽ‰πŸ’₯πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ’Œ✨

Big shout out to my little sister AMELIA aka Sister McEwan #2 on her
mission call to URUGUAY MONTEVIDEO WEST!!!!!!!!! Whaaaat???????? I am
so jealous. You will be the best missionary. :):)

So that was by far the highlight of the week. I didn't sleep the whole
night then at 6:30 we ran to the chapel and my mom sent a video of the
opening. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop smiling and I've
watched the video at least 200 times and showed every person in
Nottingham. I'm so proud.

Loads happened this week!!! I got a new comp, sister de capite from
Vancouver Canada. Love her. We are having lots of fun together.

Dean passed his baptism interview!!!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ He will be baptised on
Saturday :):):) oh man. I can't believe it's happening. Yesterday
while we were teaching him he asked if it were possible to die from
happiness hahahaha. He was getting so emotional it was really cute.
Also funniest story: we called him during the week and in the
background I could hear him listening to "I am a child of God" I asked
him where he found it and he just said it came up as a suggested song
on his phone and he loves it. He said "sister McEwan wouldn't it be so
spooky if we sang it in church tomorrow???" Then... sure enough....
the next day we sang it hahahahahaha. We had nothing to do with it i
promise!!!! I was sat on the stand because I spoke in church and he
looked at me shocked. It was funny.

Zone conf this week. I was called on without warning to share my
testimony. That was scary.

I spent the whole day tuesday with the coulsons (some members) because
my new comp was coming from Wales so I was companionless. It was

Yesterday we had a dinner appointment with an american family from
Provo. It made me SO HOMESICK hahahaaahha i miss americans so much.
They are just so much less awkward hahahah. Anyways... turns out the
dad totally took my mom to prom???? What the heck such a small world.
It was really fun.

Another highlight. We were calling all the numbers in the phone one
morning and called a guy named Shawn. He said "the missionaries have
called before and I always tell them id love to meet with them but
never have, so can you meet today?" We were like uhhhh YA SHAWN!!!!!
So we met him at the chapel with some members. He is a doctor and
wants to know the truth. It went really well. He said we called him at
the perfect time because for some reason he keeps coming in contact
with our church the last few months. Before he left i read with him
the last two paragraphs in the introduction of the book of mormon. I
could not hold back my tears. That book is true. I can not deny that.

I love you all!!!!!!! And hey also its my amazing fathers birthday on
the 23rd so can everyone spoil him rotten for me?????:):):) I hope you
had the best fathers day dad. I gave a talk about fathers and could
barely get through it. You have no idea how much i love you.

Sister McEwan

1) bye bye sister Bacchus. Moving to leicester
2) walking to a dinner appointment and got distracted
3) houses on the canal
4) some members garden
5) zone conference
6) funny zone conference
7) my girl sister shadi Nkomo
8) my girl sister Carson

More Pictures:
1) comp car selfie
2) Sister De Cap and my guesses - LITERALLY SANDWICHING HER MISSION
3) sent Mia a letter:)
4) Teaching dean!!!! He always brings us a snack. :)
5) waiting for our bus
6) bus again
7) bus again
8) THE COOLEST AMERICAN FAMILY. from Provo. It was so nice being with
Americans. God bless the USA. The guy took my mom to a high school
dance. Small world.
9) last p day
10) games night

Monday, June 12, 2017

Parrots, Prophets and Priesthood

Heyyyyyyya familiaaaa (not an English phrase). :)

First of allllll my sis AMELIA GETS HER CALL THIS WEEK AAND the suspense is killing me:) Can't wait to see which part of the vineyard the lord needs you most ❤️️

Coooool week here in nottingham. Getting a new comp tomorrow!!!! Sister De Capite. She is from Vancouver Canada shout out to my girl SISTER CURTIS πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ feeling closer than ever. But ya excited for a mix up. Should be great.

Gotta start off with the best: DEAN.

Such a champ. Here is a funny experience that happened yesterday in church:

It was ward conference at church so the ward was packed!!! Lots of people from the stake were there as well as one of my mission presidents counsellors, President McKee. (Note: All the counsellors wear name badges that say "President" with their name on it) we were all sat in gospel principles class, and president McKee sat down next to dean. You could tell that dean was overly anxious the entire hour. At the end of the meeting I went over to ask him if everything was okay. He shook his head and with the most pure of intentions said: "sister McEwan! Why didn't you tell me President Thomas s Monson was going to be in our lesson today?????" HAHAHAHA he totally thought that President McKee was the prophet because of his name badge bless his heart. 

Also the sacrament bread had nuts in it. He decided to make us aware of his allergies post breaking out into hives...... Oh dean..... He just knew the sacrament was so important:). 

Other than that the week was smooth for him. :) we have finished teaching him all the lessons, just preparing now for the baptism in a couple of weeks! He has found that Satan is tempting him more than ever, so prayers would be much appreciated on his behalf!!! He went through so much effort this week to find a suit for church on Sunday. He wanted to look "smart" he said. He got a haircut, a shave, he is changing physically and spiritually!!!!:)

We had the most interesting less active stop by of my life........... we knocked and she yelled for us to come in. We walked in to find that lo and behold............ we had entered...........PARROT PARADISE!!!!!!!!! The home to 2 humans and 12 parrots. No joke you couldn't even hear yourself think. Bless her. She let me hold one and it started walking up my arm and down my back and onto my bum and all the parrots were laughing so hard they thought it was hilarious...... birds man. But hey she came to church on Sunday so that was cool:):)

I was way ill this week, so that slowed us down mid week but feeling lots better. The English weather is killin me!!!! Our summer lasted 3 days now we are back to winter. ;). My eyes were super itchy and watery so whoever we stoped on the streets thought I was SUPER emotional about sharing the gospel. Whatever can get people to come to church though am I right?:)

We tracted into a woman named Faye. We gave her a Book of Mormon, scheduled a return appointment, and taught the best restoration lesson I think I've ever been apart of!!!!! She told us that she felt like she was on a "spiritual journey" and that she finally found her path. She is such a sweetheart. She told us "there is something about you! You shine and it makes me want to know if this is true!" She said that it might take her a while, but she will get there eventually. She shared with us about how difficult it was to lose her parents, and that she couldnt have children. We are excited to share with her the plan. :)

Whenever we teach the first lesson, I always love sharing the WHY we needed a restoration. I love seeing a spiritual lightbulb go off in the minds of those who we teach the necessity of the priesthood, and the saving ordinances it can perform. President monsons sweet testimony of this was given in his most recent general conference talk:

"Because the Book of Mormon is true, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s Church on the earth, and the holy priesthood of God has been restored for the benefit and blessing of His children."

It is here for our benefit. It is here to bless us. And it certainly has done just that. :)

Sister McEwan x πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

When ur sick but you've got no time to waste 

The Queen of Parrots

District Meeting at the church

Dean at Church and awkward missionary poses when you can't touch anyone.

Monday, June 5, 2017

I'm needed here right now so I'm gonna find out why!!!!!

Ey up me duck? (More nottingham slang)

This week was one of my favourites. We are finally seeing some progress here in long eaton!!! At last!!!

First things first, Sarah George our recent convert in kidderminster WENT TO THE TEMPLE ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my days I cant even explain my happiness. I will attach a picture. She is the cutest woman of my life. She took a 3 hour journey to go. I love her I love her i love her.

DEAN IS A LEGEND he is progressing so rapidly. I am so excited for him. He was the one we found in town a few weeks back when he shouted out "where's jesus when you need him?" He is such a character you never know what he's going to say next hahah. He calls us so many times a day and tells us how much his life is changing and how even his friends and family are asking him what has gotten into him! We had the best lesson with him Saturday at the park he loves the BOM and is already to moroni.

It was fast sunday and in the service he turns to me and said "sister mcewan my heart is pounding i need to go up there" so he handed me his book of mormon and headed to the stage. I think my heart was pounding harder than his was lol you never know what he's going to say hahahah. He started with "hello congregation!!!" And then told the story of how we found him and how happy he was to be there it was really sweet haha bless him the members love him. And the elders quorum pres came up to us after and told us he was asking all sorts of questions about dinosaurs and aliens and free masonry in priesthood...... bless....

We had another cool investigator at church that we met in town. He was taking notes the entire time. He is investigating our church as well as Satanism. Hmm. Thats all im gonna say about that one.

Miracles! We did some less active stop bys this week and none of them still lived at their address but we got investigators out of the people who were currently living at their addresses!!! Which was really neat. One from italy his name is Benito.

An investigator and member drove 2 hours from kiddie and took me to lunch and it was the best day ever. Felt like my sisters were coming over to see me haha. i miss that area like crazy.... but im needed here right now so im gonna find out why!!!!!

As many of you know, england is in quite the mess at the moment. There were more attacks in London. My heart is so broken for those families. How thankful i am for the knowledge of the plan of salvation.

This week on the way to a lesson i was singing and laughing (as per usual) and a guy stopped me and said "its good to hear somebody is so happy in such a sad world." and i said "there is so much to be happy about!!! We get to be with our families forever!!!" (Missionary response, always trying to wiggle doctrine in there one way or another:) He then said that he was on his way to attend the funeral of his brother. He wasnt interested in the gospel, but how thankful I am that i got to share my testimony of eternal families with him that day, and hopefully ease that burden on his shoulders.

Love you all. lots and lots and lots!

Sister McEwan x

1) your favourite neighbourhood chavs. (English terminology directed
to my britssss)
2)  Last pdays hot yoga class i taught (there was a heater on thats
what made it hot, not sauna dang it.)
3) finding in nottingham city centre. Much prettier than birmingham haha.
4) My beautiful sarah george at the Preston temple!!!!
5) Vicky (investigator) and sarah (member) came all the way to
nottingham from Kidderminster to take me and my comp to lunch. Man i
miss that place!!!!! It was like seeing my family. Best day ever.
6) best friend
7) just me and a gnome helping me tract
8) feeding a fake horse a mint cause thats all i had to offer (fast
sunday probs)
9) Long eaton flowersssssss. Such a sunny day.
10) more flowers! :)