Monday, April 3, 2017

King of Kings, Prince of Peace


We had some brilliant miracles this week. We met with a new investigator called Sarah George! Sis nelson and I found her a month ago in town we said we were going to stop anyone wearing a hat! so we stopped her, she said to contact her in a month, we followed up and now she's progressing rapidly!!!!! She even came all the way to Birmingham to watch general conference with us and she lovedddddd it!!!! She would vocally agree with anything the speakers would say haha. She is getting baptised on the 16th and was telling everyone about her baptism:) aw man I love her she is the sweetest.

A member from Cannock took me and sis o to lunch it made my week. Miss my greenie area.

Wednesday we decided to do some street contacting in town and met a woman named Elaine and she told us her husband was really interested in our religion and they've been trying to search for truth for a long time. It was cool because before we started street contacting we prayed that we could find someone who was "seeking the truth but knew not where to find it" so she told us to come over that night!!!!! We went over and her husband was slightly crazy but all his beliefs coincided with ours (except that he doesn't believe in a virgin birth and was trying to convince us for 30 minutes that the earth was flat) ......what the heck. But ya were hoping to meet with them again this week and he wants to come to church on Sunday:):)

Jess is really progressing as well. It's rough cuz she just got back with her boyfriend so they're living together..... they fed us again this week though and we were able to teach jess alone. She felt the spirit and loves coming out to church. She will be baptised just might take a little bit of time.

We met with Sheila twice. She's slightly crazy... bless her.... she always calls us to ask us what she can do to keep her mind off "bad thoughts" so we told her to draw us a picture I will attach it its tender. She's 80 and is just really lonely so us coming over is the highlight of her week. She tells us "I love you" at least 100 times while we are there. After teaching her I am always so drained.

Another cool miracle.... we found the coolest girl from Hong Kong street contacting and had a lesson with her at the library. She loved the resto and is really interested and is going to come to church in a couple weeks after she gets back from Hong Kong. She is such a sweetheart and so prepared. Anyways during the lesson it was down pouring. I am so sick of rain hahahah FLIPPING England. But it was rain I've never seen in my life just sheets of it. We had to walk to the train station to go to Birmingham for gen conf so we were just like ahhhhhg we are gonna get soaked. So in the closing prayer sis ohanyan prayed that it would stop raining and I kid you not.... we opened our eyes and it was GONE and there was SUNSHINE. Nora, our investigator, was like wow! There really is a god! Hahahaha it was so cool.

General conference man...... over and over again I was just reminded that this church is true!!! I get confirmations of it at least 10 time a day and I hope it stays like that when I get off the mission because it makes me want to work harder and harder and be the best Madeline I can be.

During sessions a couple of us went out and knocked doors. 6 elders and me and sis ohanyan took one street and it was so weird watching missionaries get rejected hahahaha seeing it from the other side haha I feel honoured to be a missionary.

My favourite talk was by Gary B. Sabin. I'm not going to say I enjoyed it because Jeffrey r holland once said "I don't appreciate when people say they enjoyed my talk..... I didn't give the talk to be enjoyed!!!!" Hahahahahaha. His was great as well. But my favourite story shared was the one of the sleeping bag... how the boy at scout camp didn't sleep in his sleeping bag because it would save 5 minutes of rolling it up after, but all night he was freezing cold because the fire went out. I loved how he related it to a "spiritual sleeping bag" how taking the time to pray, read, and go to church will protect and keep us warm!!!!!! This is (one of) the greatest lessons I have learned on my mission.

I also loved hearing from our Dear Prophet, Thomas s monson. His testimony touched my heart. It is so pure, and so true. Wow, I love this church. And I love the mission. And since I am a missionary.... I'm going to extend a commitment to you all....

Will you review and and study the counsel given by our prophet and apostles over the coming weeks??? I promise, if you do, you will be spiritually protected. It was also said (I forgot by who I left my notes at home) that if we study and pray and do all those simple things it will help us in aspects of our lives we didn't even think it could!!!!! Man there's just so much I can say about conf but ya just go read it all again and it will bless you:)

Also watch the Easter initiative!!!!! He loves!!!!!:)

Love you guys!!!!!

Sister McEwan x

1) Sheila's photo
2) Pizza Hut with Cannock member
3) district meeting
4) some girl hitting on our ZLs HAHAHAHAHAHA
5) gen conf
6) gen conf
7) McDonald's. We prayed before and the entire place was staring at us
8) bye elder pace going to Lichfield
9) bout to do breakdancing for pday.... will send more photos next week.

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