Monday, September 19, 2016

Panic in Cannock

Drawn by Sister Price
Nothing is wrong but panic rhymes with Cannock so we use this phrase daily when things go wrong. Two weeks down here and we are finally getting the hang of things!!! I love it sooooo much. I'm beyond happy.

P-day was pretty stressful because the internet at the church wasn't working and after two weeks of no contact with the fam I was a little on edge. But!! We figured it out and got plenty of time to talk at the library!!!! Afterwards we ate dinner at bishops. It is so funny because he has 4 daughters and 2 of them are named Amelia and Isabelle. It made me so happy!!!! But also made me miss my sisters and Max:). Afterwards we visited two less actives. Kelly and Marcia. They were both sweethearts. Marcia let us in for a while and we talked with her and prayed with her. Next week we are going to stop by with treats for both of them and really just show them how much we love them.

Tons of street contacting today. We have to build up a good investigator pool but it's so difficult when no one will listen to you or when people are just creeps. Seriously so many creepers here. Today there was a guy who was like 50 we were talking to. He was smoking and blowing it right into our faces (I smelt like smoke the rest of the day) we were teaching him and it was going great and then out of nowhere he said (I kid you not) "I have looked right into the eyes of the Devil." and we were like uhh ok and he kept saying "I looked right into his eyes." He kept saying it over and over it got super weird and we were like okay bye and then he said "Are you married? Do you want to be married to a British man because I can work it out." and he kept calling me Beverly??? And then we just ran away and prayed to never see him again it was terrible. The Utah bubble is real. Zero success after talking to literally every person we saw, but it's all about planting seeds. We got a ton of phone numbers and potentials but they won't answer our calls. It was burning hot all day then it just started down-pouring. The weather here is ridiculous I've never seen clouds move so fast in my life!!!!  You honestly can experience four seasons in one day. We went to youth night which was fun. The youth in the ward are great!!

We met Manne!! She was the previous set of sister's hairdresser. She works in the town centre and takes lessons in her shop. We stopped by and had a good discussion with her for about an hour!! The only things holding her back from baptism are the word of wisdom and the law of chastity. She is from Thailand and believes in something called Nepal? I'm not sure sometimes it was difficult to understand. But she is soooooo amazing and she has read the Book of Mormon and is just trying to figure out which religion is true. But she does believe in God and has had many experiences with him. She has a ton of faith. Just struggling with commandments she doesn't see a problem with having a drink here and there or living with her boyfriend. We also met a GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR while street contacting in the town centre!!!! His name is Lamin he's from somewhere in Africa but grew up in the UK. We talked to him for like 45 mins on the side of the road. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and almost all the restoration. He was so fun to talk to and would ask us tons of questions and when we answered them he'd always say "Oh I know that's true!" We were beaming with joy until he told us he lives in WOLVERHAMPTON!!!! Noooooooooooo! it's out of our area so we have to pass him onto the Wolve elders. :( We were so sad. But we've been contacting him throughout the whole week and he said his best friend lives in Cannock and he's here all the time so he would love it if we could come over and teach the both of them. So we can do that!! But still handing it over to the others. </3. It was hilarious though because about an hour later we saw him on a bus back to Wolverhampton and we were walking back to the flat and he stood up and started waving like crazy at us. Good guy.

Zone meeting. It was in Lichfield and took up OUR ENTIRE DAY :(. It's fine though. I got to see Elder Roberts and Elder Ey my fellow greenies from the MTC cause they're in my zone. I have never been so happy to see familiar faces in my entire life. It was sooooo sad though because I walked into the church and Elder Ey was just standing there with casts on both arms!!!!! He said he got hit by a car and wrecked twice on his bike and had to go to the ER. He's like my little brother hahaha I felt so sad for him!!!!! He had a good attitude about it though and was smiling and joking around as usual. Also heard good news that there's a follow up trainers meeting next month so I get to see all of the MTC group!!!!! I'm so excited to get the band back together ;). We took the train to Lichfield to get there. The walk through Lichfield to the chapel was GORGEOUS!!!!!! I will send pictures. It was super foggy and beautiful. There is a stunning cathedral our district stopped at on the way back. I've never seen anything like it. Dad I wish you could've seen it I know you would have died. One day. Then we began the long journey back to Cannock. Luckily we had our district so we made it fun. We were an hour late to our DA though because it was such a long uphill walk from the train station and my backpack was 400 lbs and it was b-b-b-b-blazing as Max would say. It was with a family from Cameroon, Africa. Ingrid is a single mom with seven kids. Her spirit and love for Jesus Christ was so powerful. I was so quiet the whole night because I was just so sad and wanted to help them and give them something. :( The journey back was long but it was the best nights sleep I've had since being out here and the hardest it's ever been to wake up. I was so drained.

Same old same old. Talked to people. A lot of people will talk to us for a few minutes but they're convinced there is no God. Every day I get told a thousand times "So much bad happens in the world, if there was a God why would he allow it?" We try to describe agency and the reason for challenges and heartbreaks. People are just verrryyyy closed minded about religion. Also got the saddest news that Ingrid, the lady we had dinner with the night before, had a stroke :(. She is doing okay but will be in the hospital for a while and her brother is staying with all of her kids. At night we had a member present lesson with the Garners (the people who love the colour red) and our investigator Oliver!!!! What a sweetie!!!!!! He's 80 and was stopped by the missionaries 3 years ago. He has read the Book of Mormon and is soooo ready to be baptized. He has never been married but has a girlfriend. He hasn't missed a week of church until last week and he felt soo bad about it. His testimony is amazing. He's supposed to be getting baptized October 22 (I don't know why it's so far away because he's beyond ready) but he just pushed it back to November because he will be out of town :,(. I tried to convince him to move it earlier, but he wants to make sure everything goes perfectly and really has time to prepare. I'll still be here though so I'm glad I won't miss it. We taught him about what happens at the baptism and answered some of his questions. We will teach him every week before and after his baptism. Love love love him.

My first day door knocking. Sister Price has been so awesome with my desire to street contact. I just love talking to as many people as possible and when you're knocking doors maybe 2 people out of 10 even answer and when they do they're irritated that you made them get up to answer the door. So ya, it was terrible. In my opinion there are far better ways to find people (referrals, GQing, the bus, the store, ANYWHERE) BUT ITS FINE I will still do it. It requires a lot of faith and a lot of patience. Which I obviously need to work on. But it got to a point where I had to stop because it was way too negative and it was tearing down my confidence. People are so mean!!!! On the street they just say "Sorry I have to catch a train!" or something like that but at the door they won't even open all the way and just shut it and treat you like you're not even a human!!!! It made me so mad. So I had to step away for a little and do some serious praying. We're going to try again next week. I'm not giving up on it, just praying for a lot of strength to not have a breakdown the next time someone tells me
they hate uninvited guests and to get off their property like I'm an animal. :)


LAMIN AGREED TO MEET WITH THE WOLVE ELDERS ON SUNDAY and we get to see him and his friend next Friday!!!!!!!!!! Yayayayayayayaayayyaya so exciting. The elders teaching him are our zone leaders and they're awesome so I have no doubt he'll have a great experience!!! It makes GQing in the streets all day worth it. Love him. Saturday was a hard day for Sister Price so we got together with our district and Elder Wall and Elder Gosturani gave her a blessing. Priesthood blessings are always the most spiritual experiences. Especially here on the mission when they're from your best friends. We are doing district GQing in the Cannock Town Centre next Thursday so we're excited for that. We have way too much fun together as a district!!! Our nightly call-ins are hilarious and we just end up laughing the whole time.

Woooooohooooo I love Sunday. Playing the hymns is fun but I get so nervous so bishop gave me the songs the week before so I can practice them whenever we are at the chapel. I also played Come Thou Fount and it went really well!!! The chapel was a little less empty because the Wolverhampton building is being redone so they all came to our ward. One guy from the stake came up to me after and asked if I would play in Stake Conference in November hahaha. Today I felt a lot more comfortable because we finally know the ward. It makes everything so much better!!! We're getting closer with the youth. We want to build these relationships so we can get as many referrals as possible!!! We've only been here 2 weeks and we are already seeing so many repeats of people we've talked to in the town and on the train. I've seen the guy who was rolling a joint when we were talking to him from last week at least 3 more times and every time I see him he's rolling. England needs to be slapped in the face with the word of wisdom pamphlet.

LAMIN GOT A BOOK OF MORMON today from the ZL's and can't wait to meet with us this week!!!!!! I can't believe we found him on the street just a few days ago. It's insane. I'm so excited for him.

Sister Price was sick after church and felt like she was going to pass out... We called Sister Leppard and she told her to just lay down and rest for the rest of the day... I wanted to go back out but it's
all good in the hood. Just means we will work twice as hard next Sunday. ;) We are spending our P-day in Walsall with the elders here and we've been exploring all day.

Next week is busy busy busy!!!! We are meeting with five investigators and hopefully find some more!!! We have dinner with the Maules tomorrow (love them). And have DAs every day after Wednesday. We will be doing lots more finding and door knocking (pray for my sanity). I love it here!!!! The pictures and videos I get from home make me so happy! I miss Bean and Coco and all the rest of you guys too. ;)

Cheers love!!!! To home from Great Britain.

Sister McEwan xx

The first door I ever knocked. :) They yelled at me. :)
Lamin doesn't realize we've got missionary work we've gotta do!
The day after knocking all the doors on this street of beautiful/grumpy children of God.
So hit. My back hurt so I had to wear my backpack like this. Ate 2 whole packs of digestive biscuits.
They're so delish don't let the name fool you I'll bring them home.
Lichfield Zone
Chillin on the train to Lichfield City
My Greenies!!!!!!!!!!!! Elder Roberts and Elder Ey! Poor Elder Ey!
London Fog in Cannock

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